Join the symphony of 1000
and make music with us
Saint James Music Academy invites you to add your music to ours! Together we can create new opportunities for our children and youth. Together can build a better community.
What is the symphony of 1000?
SJMA is a grass roots organization, born in the heart of Vancouver. Hundreds of people from many walks of life share its vision and offer their time and resources to make that vision a reality. We want to honour and maintain who we are. To do that we are reaching out to our friends and neighbours – you. We want our work to be supported primarily by those who are able to give a small monthly donation. Our goal is to have 1000 families partnering with us, each giving what they are able. Just as a symphony needs every musician to contribute their own small part, the Symphony of 1000 honours all those who can, however large or small the amount.
What do you get in return? The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping the children and youth of the Downtown Eastside to have opportunities otherwise not available to them. The joy of knowing that you are part of change for the better in our community. The pride of knowing that you are helping to enrich our world, musically, culturally, and socially.