Donate Stock and Securities

help us hit the high notes

A gift of securities is one of the most cost-effective ways to support the Saint James Music Academy. When publicly listed securities are donated, the tax on the capital gains is eliminated. Any publicly listed securities, including shares, bonds, warrants, stocks, mutual funds, and segregated fund units qualify.

We use Canada Helps to process donations of securities. They will sell the securities and we direct the proceeds to the cause you have specified. You can deduct the entire gift in the current year or carry tax credits forward for up to five years.

Ready to Go?

You can fill out the form below to get started today! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Other ways to give

Make a one time gift now online using our fast, easy, and secure online form.

A monthly gift is an easy way to make a gift that helps to provide a regular source of income to the Saint James Music Academy.

A gift in your will is the most common way to leave a bequest to the Saint James Music Academy.
